Thursday, January 23, 2014

Prank Call

Hey, OverEasy Games here. Although this post has nothing to do with video games I just have to share this with you. Recently I got a text saying: "Happy B-Day Amy. Hope you have a good one."
Now, I had no idea who it was from and instead of just deleting the text I decided to have some fun.
Heres our short but funny conversation.

Him: Happy B-Day Amy. Hope you have a good one.

Me: Thanks, hows the lamb?

Him: The lamb?

Me: Yea, Monica told me your poor lamb broke her tongue. Its just so hard to prevent those damn 
pottery accidents!

Him: You probably think this is Scot. This is Mike.

Me: No Mike.... I know its you.

Him: Well, I'm totally lost about the lamb and Monica... LOL!

Me: You know if I didn't know you so well I would think you were being disrespectful to that poor, little lambs memory. 

Him: I seriously have no clue about a lamb and pottery. What are you talking about?

Me: Mike... I am honestly mad at you right now. Don't you realize your lamb may never cuss again? Animals are people too Mike!

Him: I dont even know what say...

Me: Ok, fine. Ill forgive you. Its hard to be mad after what you did last night hehehe ;)

Him Is this Amy Bynum?????

Me: Yea.. who else?

Mike hasn't responded since and I think I did my job of totally mind boggling him!

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