Monday, January 27, 2014

Shout Out Monday

Hey guys whats up? I just wanted to give a shout out to my friend Jerome.
Go check out his youtube channel at JBHFilms.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Flappy Bird

I hate this game!!!!! Ok.... lets start over. I don't actually hate flappy bird. I just cant play it for more than five minutes without throwing my Ipod across the room.
 Flappy bird is a free app for IOS in which you are a small bird trying to navigate your way through green tubes.
From this picture Flappy Bird seems like the most simple game. Well.... its not. The slightest wrong tap will send you hurtling to hell. Im not going to try and convince you more, just go get the app on Itunes and let the trolling begin! 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Prank Call

Hey, OverEasy Games here. Although this post has nothing to do with video games I just have to share this with you. Recently I got a text saying: "Happy B-Day Amy. Hope you have a good one."
Now, I had no idea who it was from and instead of just deleting the text I decided to have some fun.
Heres our short but funny conversation.

Him: Happy B-Day Amy. Hope you have a good one.

Me: Thanks, hows the lamb?

Him: The lamb?

Me: Yea, Monica told me your poor lamb broke her tongue. Its just so hard to prevent those damn 
pottery accidents!

Him: You probably think this is Scot. This is Mike.

Me: No Mike.... I know its you.

Him: Well, I'm totally lost about the lamb and Monica... LOL!

Me: You know if I didn't know you so well I would think you were being disrespectful to that poor, little lambs memory. 

Him: I seriously have no clue about a lamb and pottery. What are you talking about?

Me: Mike... I am honestly mad at you right now. Don't you realize your lamb may never cuss again? Animals are people too Mike!

Him: I dont even know what say...

Me: Ok, fine. Ill forgive you. Its hard to be mad after what you did last night hehehe ;)

Him Is this Amy Bynum?????

Me: Yea.. who else?

Mike hasn't responded since and I think I did my job of totally mind boggling him!

Back to blogging

Sorry I haven't posted for quite some time. Ive had a packed schedule and decided to let the blog sit for a while. Im back now though, and have two blogs being made right now.
 So sit back and get ready to start racing a lot more often!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Minecraft Sumotori

Ignore the intro sometimes you just have to get stuff out of your system! :D

Sunday, December 1, 2013

NEW: Over Easy Server
Come check us out! were a fun, relaxed server where you can   come and enjoy the beauty of 1.7.2. We have good staff and a strong community.

Man0snap (brother)


Friday, November 29, 2013


My Channel

Watch the videos on this site and many more!
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